Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nose Job

Not really, I have no cause to be that vain. I visited my Doctor on the recommendation of my lovely wife for treatment for my snoring. The good Doctor took one look and sent me onward to an Otolaryngologist (big word for ear, nose and throat doctor). Dr Szmula of Lockport, NY was a breath of fresh air. He, like my family doctor speaks unaccented, American English and made his diagnosis in all for 30 seconds after interviewing me about my history. He made my options very clear, snore or have surgery. I have a deviated septum which is the result of several possible causes( former bouncer, former Marine, me nephew's knee). A deviated septum is a crooked septum, the septum is the membrane covered cartilage that separated your nasal passages. This by itself is not really a problem but can cause chronic nasal congestion and lead to other more serious problems like sleep apnea.
Well I did it and had the surgery yesterday. I arrived at the Inter Community Memorial Hospital in Newfane, NY at 6:30 am and got set up and prepped for surgery. By 8:00am I was being sedated and wheeled into surgery. I don't remember anything else until I woke up in recovery and was transported back to the ambulatory care surgical center. The nursing staff was great, truly wonderful and dedicated women. Dr. Szmula told my family after the surgery that I could have a Yugo drive through my nasal passages now.
I cam home about 1:00pm and took some tylenol with codeine. I have been a little uncomfortable but the discomfort is worth it if I can breath through my nose again. This morning I woke up all stuffy but that is normal. I'll be giving more updates as I recover. No diving or working for a couple of weeks so I will have plenty of time to blog. More soon.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter morning in Gasport, NY. 20 degrees and 6 inches of snow made it look more like Christmas. Of course this past Christmas it was in the 50's and sunny so who can really know what the effect of global warming is going to be. Anyhow. Happy Easter to all and to all a good night.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Parenting License

I really wonder why there is no mandatory training program for parents. The news today had two stories of outstanding parenting skills. First there was the Mom who thought it was a good idea to prostitute her seven (yes 7) year old daughter. I have a 7 year old and I would personally like to place this wonderful example of motherhood in general population at a men's prison and see how she likes it. The other was this Dad, who's car wasn't big enough to fit all his kids so he put two of them in the trunk of the car and had them riding there for about 20 minutes. I remember putting people into the trunk of my car to go into the drive in theatre years ago. The difference is I was the kid not the parent, it was for only as long as it took to get into the theatre (about 5 minutes), and the trunk on my 1977 Chevy Malibu was a lot bigger. Yes, when I was 16 I would have made a lousy parent, my Dad even told me so, but how big of a moron do you have to be to do this kind of crap as an adult. The scary thing is these people are parents and have already added to the gene pool. What can be done? I am open to comments.

Parenting License

I really wonder why there is no mandatory training program for parents. The news today had two stories of outstanding parenting skills. First there was the Mom who thought it was a good idea to prostitute her seven (yes 7) year old daughter. I have a 7 year old and I would personally like to place this wonderful example of motherhood in general population at a men's prison and see how she likes it. The other was this Dad, who's car wasn't big enough to fit all his kids so he put two of them in the trunk of the car and had them riding there for about 20 minutes. I remember putting people into the trunk of my car to go into the drive in theatre years ago. The difference is I was the kid not the parent, it was for only as long as it took to get into the theatre (about 5 minutes), and the trunk on my 1977 Chevy Malibu was a lot bigger. Yes, when I was 16 I would have made a lousy parent, my Dad even told me so, but how big of a moron do you have to be to do this kind of crap as an adult. The scary thing is these people are parents and have already added to the gene pool. What can be done? I am open to comments.